Guide - Part 2
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Couples of points regarding track and these are IMPORTANT so read this as many times as you need to.



1 track wood damp (default type, probably the most versatile default track in the game).

Please stick to using this type of track on the start and end of modules. as long as everybody does merging will look much better.



When you lay the first piece of track on you module go to the merging side of the baseboard and using the add ruler tool measure down 360m (real scale) from the side. The line nearest to this point is the center of the board and needs to be standard on ALL modules. Also leave a little straight piece of track to begin with as a lead to help with minor mismatches in modules.



Please test all junctions to make sure that they work before you upload the module. Also consider replacing default switches with something like point motors to increase aesthetic value.


The next most important thing is to try and marry up the textures correctly. All I can really do here is to give you a list of the basic textures that I use a blend of in my modules. Just remember to always rotate when you place these to avoid patterning. I will also supply the texture size that I use (min, med or max).


Fields:  in this order of application


Grass a (max) (UK textures tab)

Grass a b (max) (UK textures tab)

Grass a1 (max) (UK textures tab)

Grass grn grd (max) (Aus textures tab)


Lay down a general cover of Grass a. Next while rotating the following texture run the mouse around in swift movements creating a random pattern then repeat with the last 2 textures.



Ger Gravel 01 (min) (Germany texture tab)


Other than these textures, go nuts there’s heaps of great textures out there and you can use up to 256 in any route, I’ve only given you 5 basic ones that leaves 251 before your map explodes.


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